Information on Custom Business Transfers/Molds
Customers interested in having their image put into chocolate have a few options.
Rice paper is a printable confectionary paper that is edible. This paper allows us to use edible ink (made of cocoa butter) and print directly onto a paper-like surface. This confectionary paper can be applied to ANY TYPE OF CHOCOLATE (milk/dark/white)
This application is best used as a 1-time, quick personalized chocolate item. Rice paper is used for basic written information such as a company name, logo, or other marketing information. This product has a short shelf life and is sensitive to temperature change.
The best options for rice paper are:
2” Square of chocolate (minimum of 12 squares ordered)…………....………...$2.50 each
Business card size chocolate bar (minimum of 4 bars ordered)……………..$4.50 each
3” Circle chocolate lollipop (minimum of 6 lollipops ordered)…………...….$3.50 each
Your custom image on the rice paper will be sized and applied to a piece of chocolate.
Please send your .jpeg or .eps file (something that can be re-sized) to

Personalized transfer sheets are a great way to customize chocolates with your logo, initials, or company name. Transfer sheets are made with your image and then the image is transferred directly onto WHITE CHOCOLATE ONLY. The transfer sheets are made with no additional fee and are used for projects of 100 items or less.
Your options are:
2” Square of white chocolate (minimum 12 squares ordered)…………...…….$2.50 each
Business card size white chocolate bar (minimum 4 bars ordered)…...…….$4.50 each
3” circle white chocolate lollipop (mimimum of 6 lollipops ordered)……….$3.50 each
Please send your .jpeg or .eps file (something that is vector based and can be re-sized) to

Personalized transfer sheets are a great way to customize chocolates with your logo, initials, or company name. Transfer sheets are made with your image and then the image is transferred directly onto milk or dark chocolate. Most customers transfer onto truffles or business card size message bars.
The transfer sheets produce about 2000 1-inch images and can be used at any time because of their long shelf life. It is approximately $160 for 1 color sheets; 2 color is available but is more expensive.
If you plan to transfer onto truffles, choose your center flavor from the truffle guide below.
The options of what you do with your transfers will vary, but here are some popular ideas:
4 Piece box (no minimum required)……………......…………………….……...…... $5 each
3 Piece box with message bar (no minimum required)……………….…….….. $6 each
20 Piece box with message bar (no minimum required)………………...…..…$25 each
Check out our ‘Boxed Chocolates’ section on to see the variety of options for your custom truffle transfers!

Please send your .pdf or .eps file (something that is vector-based and can be re-sized) to for a price quote and proof at no charge.

Creating a custom chocolate mold is a creative way to put your logo, business name, etc. on chocolate in a 3-dimensional way. Once the chocolate molds are made, they can be used to create an impressive custom chocolate gift. The price of the mold depends on the size and shape. It is usually a minimum of $250 to make a business card size mold. Prices will increase as the mold becomes more complex or 3D.
The options of what you do with your molds will vary, but here are some popular ideas:
Chocolate coins…………………………………….….. $0.55 each (after mold is made)
2” Square……………….............…………………………..……$2.50 each (after mold is made)
Business card size bar…………………………………. $4.50 each (after mold is made)
Many of the molds can be incorporated into our boxed chocolates and truffle sets, such as the ‘20 Piece Box with Message Bar’ or the ‘3 Piece Box with Message Bar.’

Please send your .pdf or .eps file (something that is vector-based and can be re-sized) to for a price quote and proof at no charge.